Ballorig is once again the proud name sponsor of this year’s Ballorig Avond4daagse which will be walked from June 7 to 10.
The Ballorig Avond4Daagse is for young and old, and again this year there are two distances to choose from, 6 km or 12 km. The start and finish is at the Barracks grounds. Only on Friday do we finish after a beautiful parade in downtown Venlo.
Together, Ballorig and VenloopKids will make it another 4 sporty, but above all incredibly fun days. Because hiking is fun and especially now that it can be done together again!
You can register through your school or through the individual online registration form. Want some more information? Then check out the Evening4Day webpage.
Walking, singing songs and, above all, lots of fun. We are looking forward to it!
You’re walking along, aren’t you?