On this page you will find all routes of the Aartsen Avond4Daagse, when ready.
By clicking on the image, you can view the route in large format, including street guidance. Also, from the Monday before the start of the event, the routes will appear in the Venloop App. This is a handy tool for on the road! It allows you to see exactly where you are on the route and where you need to go. Make sure you select the right event at the top left. A button called ‘parcours’ will then appear in the bar at the bottom of your screen. Here you can select your route for each day.
On Friday, the finish is different to the start location so the routes on this day are shorter. If you walk back to the start after the finish, you will reach a distance of almost 2,5 km, 5 km or 10 km in total. Please note: the routes are always subject to change. Some minor changes may still be made last minute.