Neptunus walk



7,500 participants

11th edition

Frequently Asked Questions Neptune Walking Tour

How can we help you?

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if there is extreme weather on the day of the event?

In the event of extreme weather conditions the organisation maintains the right to cancel the event. We also ask all participants to monitor the weather on the race day and adapt their clothing, food and drinks accordingly. The organisation will always do its upmost to adapt the event to the weather conditions.

What is the Pasta Party?

Walking and running consumes plenty of energy so it is important to make sure you have stocked up on enough carbohydrates beforehand, or topped up your reserves afterwards. The organisers of Venloop hold a pasta party in the Ewals Cargo Care pavilion in Julianapark from 19.00 on the Saturday before the Venloop. Enjoy the atmosphere of bella Italia during our traditional Venloop Pasta Party, and join the other runners in a relaxed setting to enjoy a delicious, freshly prepared buffet featuring various pasta dishes, bread and salads. The costs are just €17,50 for all you can eat and two drinks of your choice. View photos of the last edition here. Order your entry ticket to the pasta party when you register or via our webshop.

Can I have my Neptunus Walk medal engraved?

You can have your medal engraved after the event. Winterman Sport are happy to put your name and finish time on your medal. This will give you a unique medal and a great reminder of your participation. You can order this during registration. This order will also be stated on race number, as there is an image of a medal on your race number. If you didn't order engraving, but are still interested, you can still order the option via the webshop after the event. Or visit the Winterman Sport stand on the day. Note: engraving your medal is only possible on the day itself by Winterman Sport, in the tent opposite the Ewals Cargo Care pavilion in Julianapark.

I want to change my distance/event of the Neptunus Walk. Is this possible?

You can change your distance until pre-registration closes. You can change to a shorter distance yourself using the change link provided in your registration confirmation. Please note: the difference in registration fee will not be refunded. To change to a longer distance, please contact us via the contact form. Has pre-registration already closed? Then you can no longer change your distance. In this case, you can transfer your current starting ticket to another person by means of the transfer form that will come online in early March. You can then sign up again for your desired distance, as long as it is not yet full.

When can I expect my starter pack of the Neptune Walking Tour by post?

The starter packs will be sent no later than the two weeks before the Neptune Walking Tour.

What if I do not receive my starter package for the Neptune Walking Tour by post in time?

First check your enrollment confirmation to see if you will be sent your starter pack. If you actually get it sent to you, but did not receive it in the mail on time, please report to the Trouble Desk at the Ewals Cargo Care pavilion in Juliana Park. Walkers can visit on the Friday before the Neptune Walking Tour, between noon - 5 p.m., or on the Saturday of the event starting at 6:30 a.m.

Where and when can I pick up my starter pack of the Neptunus Walk?

Start packages to be picked up will be ready at the Ewals Cargo Care Pavilion in Juliana Park. Walkers can visit on the Friday before the Neptune Walk, between noon - 5 p.m. or on the Saturday of the Neptune Walk itself, starting at 6:30 a.m.). Julianapark is located between the Deken van Oppensingel and the Burgemeester van Rijnsingel in Venlo.

Will my Neptunus Walk start pack be posted to me?

That depends on the option you selected during your registration. Please check your registration confirmation if you are not sure.

What is the Pasta Party?

Walking and running consumes plenty of energy so it is important to make sure you have stocked up on enough carbohydrates beforehand, or topped up your reserves afterwards. The organisers of Venloop hold a pasta party in the Ewals Cargo Care pavilion in Julianapark from 19.00 on the Saturday before the Venloop. Enjoy the atmosphere of bella Italia during our traditional Venloop Pasta Party, and join the other runners in a relaxed setting to enjoy a delicious, freshly prepared buffet featuring various pasta dishes, bread and salads. The costs are just €17,50 for all you can eat and two drinks of your choice. View photos of the last edition here. Order your entry ticket to the pasta party when you register or via our webshop.

Can I hand out flyers/leaflets/brochures during the Neptunus Walk?

No flyers, brochures etc may be handed out during the Neptunus Walk. We feel it is important to contribute to environmental awareness by making sustainable choices as much as possible. For example, we no longer print the programmes on paper. We apply a no-flyer policy that is also valid for third parties. If you would like to give your company more exposure during the Arrow Venloop weekend, we offer various other possibilities. Please contact us via the contact form on the website, and we can investigate the options with you.

Can I exchange my ordered shirt?

You can exchange the shirt you ordered (while stocks last), but only if the shirt is still in the original packaging and within four weeks of delivery. Return the shirt in the original packaging to the Venloop office at Koninginnesingel 14, 5911 KB Venlo. Please enclose a note stating your name and address details and, of course, the size you want. We will then send you a shirt in this size (if in stock). You can also visit the office personally to exchange the shirt. We are open from 08:30 to 17:30, Monday to Friday. We advise you to contact us in advance to check whether the size you want is still in stock.

Will photos be taken of the participants during the Neptunus Walk?

Photos will be taken by various photographers along the route and at the finish line. The photos will be posted on our website a few days after the Arrow Venloop.

Is it best to come to the event by public transport?

In view of the number of participants and visitors to our event, we recommend you use public transport to travel to Venlo. The start and finish zone is close to Venlo Central Station and the bus station. So public transport is an ideal way to travel to the events. Participants of the Arrow Venloop and Neptunus Walk from the Netherlands can even travel for free with Arriva. We can also offer participants from Germany a favourable fare. For more information, visit the "public transport" page on our website.

What happens to lost property?

All lost property will be taken to the information point in Julianapark . After the event, you can contact the municipality of Venlo with questions about lost property.

Are there any cheering points along the route during the Neptunus Walk?

During the Neptunus Walk of the Arrow Venloop weekend, various cheering points have been set up along the route. Marching bands from Limburg, choirs, drum bands and a host of other vibe-inducing music bands will be performing at these cheering points. Would you like to sign up to create a cheering point? Visit the registration page on our website.

When does registration for the Neptunus Walk open?

Registration for the Neptunus Walk opens at 00.00 on 1 August.

Are there sanitary facilities available on the way?

Sanitation facilities are available at the Ewals Cargo Care Pavilion on the event grounds, located near the start and finish line, and at all rest stops.

Can my dog walk with me?

Dogs will not be allowed during the Neptune Walking Tour.

How can I cancel my registration?

To cancel your registration, please contact us using the contact form on our website. If we are informed of your cancellation no later than 3 months before the start of the event in question, the fee will be refunded minus €5 administration fee. In compliance with our general terms and conditions, no fees will be refunded for cancellations after this time. If this is the case, we advise you to find someone to transfer your starting place to. Transfer can then be done via the transfer form that will be available on our website from the beginning of March.

Will photos be taken of the participants during the Tuincentrum Leurs Walk?

Photos will be taken by various photographers along the route and at the finish line. The photos will be posted on our website a few days after the Tuincentrum Leurs Walk.

What can I expect from the route?

The route of the Neptune Walking Tour passes through beautiful (natural) areas in the municipality of Venlo. The route of the Neptune Walking Tour is fully marked with arrows, making it easy to follow. There is also the option to view the route on the website or follow it via the Venloop app. Here you can track exactly where you are. Do not leave trash on the road. Venlo clean, quite simply!

Is the route closed to other traffic during the Neptune Walking Tour?

The route is not closed to other traffic. Therefore, all participants in the Neptune Walking Tour are simply traffic participants in addition to walkers during the walk. So be mindful of other road users and use pedestrian paths if possible. The Neptune Walk will be managed by several volunteers. For example, there will be traffic controllers at busy crosswalks to ensure safe crossing. Always follow their advice. In addition, our mobile biking team will be on the route, keeping a close eye on everything.

What does my starting ticket look like?

In previous years, our walkers received a clip card on a keycord. Starting in 2023, all walkers will receive a walking band instead of the familiar clip card. This walking band is your start ticket, so pay close attention to this! The walking band offers all kinds of new possibilities. For example, you can use the band to track yourself in the Venloop app; your friends and family can also see where you are this way. Afterwards, you can see how long you ended up taking. The walking band, like the clip card, will be checked and scanned at several points by our volunteers. When the tape is scanned at all checkpoints, you will receive a nice souvenir at the finish line.

What is the Walk & Wheels?

The Walk & Wheels is a 7.5-kilometer trek for people who depend on a wheelchair in general daily living (ADL) activities or cannot walk 10 kilometers for any reason. The tour starts at 1 p.m. from BMV de Vilgaard in Velden. Participants will come in with the other walkers of the Neptune Walking Tour at the finish line in downtown Venlo. Participants who need guidance can bring a companion for support.

Is there a First Aid post during the Neptunus Walk?

Stationary and mobile First Aid teams will be present during the Neptunus Walk.

Are there rest points and drink stations along the way?

During the Neptune Walking Tour, organizers will set up rest and atmosphere points at various locations along the route. These points will be equipped with various facilities, such as restrooms and seating areas. There will also be outlets here and there for coffee, tea, soft drinks and/or something to eat. Should you wish to take advantage of this, be sure to bring cash. Along the way, you will also pass several water points where you can refill your own water carrier. So don't forget to bring your own water carrier.

My question is not listed here, what should I do?

If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us using the website contact form.

Can I exchange my Neptune Walking Tour polo?

Yes, it is possible to exchange your ordered Neptune Walking Tour polo shirt (while supplies last), but only if the shirt is still in its original packaging and within four weeks of delivery. You can exchange the hiking polo shirt in two ways. You can come and exchange the walking polo shirt at the Venloop Foundation office (Koninginnesingel 14, 5911 KB Venlo). You may also choose to exchange the shirt/hiking polo by mail. If you wish to exchange the polo by mail, please make sure that the envelope in which you send the shirt is sufficiently stamped and clearly state which size you would like to receive from us. It is advisable to contact us in advance to check if your desired size is still in stock.

Where can I park on the Saturday of the Neptunus Walk?

We recommend you use public transport. Participants of the Arrow Venloop and Neptunus Walk from the Netherlands can even travel for free with Arriva. We can also offer participants from Germany a favourable fare. More information on this can be found on the 'public transport' page. Participants and spectators who want to come by car can use the indoor and outdoor car parks in the city centre on Saturday. These facilities are open on the Saturday of the Neptunus Walk. Be aware that the inflow and outflow of traffic could be hindered by the various races. On Sunday, we have set up two dedicated parking areas for our participants. Half Marathon participants can park at Fontys Hogeschool. Participants of the 10 km and 5 km can park at Stadion de Koel. A shuttle bus service will operate from these areas to and from the start-finish zone in Julianapark. The sign at the front of the bus indicates the destination. - Stadion de Koel: Kaldenkerkerweg 182, 5915 AH Venlo - Fontys Hogeschool: Tegelseweg 255, 5912 BG Venlo

When does the Venloop breakfast take place?

Prior to the Neptune March, you can enjoy a delicious Venloop breakfast at the Ewals Cargo Care pavilion in Venlo's Julianapark on Saturday from 6 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Participating in the Neptune Walk requires a lot of energy, so start your day off right with a fresh and hearty Venloop breakfast at the Ewals Cargo Care pavilion in Juliana Park prior to the Neptune Walk. Together with friends, family and many other hikers, enjoy à la minute fried eggs with bacon, crispy croissants, freshly squeezed orange juice and all the other goodies offered during the extensive breakfast buffet. You can purchase a ticket during your registration or through our web shop for €12.50 per person.

Are Nordic Walking poles allowed during the Neptune Walking Tour?

Nordic Walking poles are not allowed during the Neptune Walking Tour. Or other Venloop Foundation walking events.

What time should I finish at the latest during the Neptune Walk?

All walkers and participants of the Neptune Walking Tour and Walk & Wheels must finish before 5 p.m. on the Saturday of the Neptune Walking Tour.

Can I transfer my starter pack to another hiker?

You can transfer your start number to another participant via a form that will come online in early March. In accordance with our terms and conditions, this is also the only permitted way to transfer your start number. The original participant's name will be printed on the start number, however, the new participant will appear under his/her own name in the results list. Please note that the new name will not be displayed at 'check enrollment'. It is important to note that you can only transfer the start number once and it is not possible to change the distance. The new participant must complete the transfer form. In doing so, you do need some information from the current participant, namely the start number, zip code and date of birth. Under no circumstances does the organization pass on participant data or mediate between participants with respect to transfer. For the transfer, €3 will be charged by one-time automatic debit. Upon completion of the transfer process, you will receive a transfer confirmation email. Finally, participants should make sure among themselves that the start number reaches the correct (new) participant, as it is not possible to pass on a change of address for this purpose. Venloop Foundation does not intervene in the transfer of a start number. Participants are responsible for the proper registration and transfer of the physical race number.

Register for the Neptunus Walk?

Neptunus Walk Extra's

Hiking apparel

Buy your hiking merchandise here.

Venloop Breakfast

Prior to the Neptunus Walk, you can enjoy a delicious Venloop Breakfast at the Ewals Cargo Care pavilion in Venlo’s Julianapark.

Neptunus Walk is made possible thanks to: